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ACNC Recruits High Profile NFP Lawyer Sue Woodward

Staff Reporter, Friday, 17th February 2012 -  Sue Woodward has accepted a position with the newly established ACNC. It has been revealed that one of the major leadership roles in the newly established Australian Charities and…

Regulator issues donation warning in wake of Türkiye earthquake

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 13th February 2023 -  The Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) warns Australians to donate cautiously to charities supporting the earthquake crisis in Türkiye and Syria. As


Woodward's appointment to ease climate of fear

Ray Yoshida, Monday, 21st November 2022 -  Ray Yoshida of the Stronger Charities Alliance – previously Hands Off Our Charities – says Sue Woodward’s appointment as ACNC head gives “real reason for hope”. 


Bringing fresh vigour and rigour to the charity sector  

Sue Woodward AM, Wednesday, 18th January 2023 -  In the final instalment of our #resolutions23 series, new ACNC commissioner Sue Woodward AM is starting 2023 energised, as she looks ahead to the list of tasks she’s ready to

EXCLUSIVE: Meet the new ACNC commissioner

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 21st November 2022 -  ACNC commissioner Sue Woodward speaks exclusively to Pro Bono News about her recent appointment and her hopes for the charity regulator’s future. It’s a full circle moment for Sue

ACNC appointment welcomed effusively by sector

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 21st November 2022 -  The appointment of Sue Woodward as commissioner of the ACNC appears to be overwhelmingly popular, including with the assistant minister for charities.  The for-purpose sector


Costly reforms that will deter volunteer directors

Sue Woodward AM, Thursday, 14th October 2021 -  Not only is the pure dollar cost of the proposed expansion of the ACNC’s powers too high, it could have a significant effect on recruiting, inducting and retaining great people for


A Lawyer’s Vision

Lina Caneva, Monday, 17th August 2015 -  An expert in Not for Profit law and a passion in sharing her knowledge with others has made Sue Woodward integral to the Australian social sector. Woodward is this week’s Changemaker.…

'Small but mighty': our journalists reflect on their time with Pro Bono News

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 4th April 2023 -  We’ve heard what your favourite stories are, now hear from our journalists! Today, after more than 20 years, Pro Bono News draws to a close. Over that time Pro Bono News has been the voice

Video: A sector says thanks

Contributor, Tuesday, 4th April 2023 -  For-purpose sector leaders share their appreciation for Pro Bono News. Since the announcement that Pro Bono News would be closing, we’ve been inundated with messages of love…

There’s no need to fear, cryptocurrency is here

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 22nd March 2023 -  The growth of crypto philanthropy unlocks a new donor demographic for not for profits, but the sector needs to be less afraid of change, an industry expert says. If you asked charities

Be clear about your Voice advocacy, ACNC says

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 8th March 2023 -  Charities can advocate for or against the Voice to Parliament provided they stay within the ACNC’s rules. The charity regulator has released guidance for charities planning to advocate
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