“Pro Bono Australia’s Good Business site aims to promote socially responsible corporate behaviour through information provision.
The Good Business site is made possible, in large part, by the support of our affiliates/partners. These companies are for-profit businesses which run their own corporate social responsibility (CSR) /Shared Value programs or have accreditation as BCorporations. As a result they receive a certain amount of profiling on the Good Business site, such as promotions of their events and activities, or sponsored news items.
Pro Bono Australia provides an independent Good Business news service, and our journalists follow the Australian Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance Code of Conduct. Wherever news stories are sponsored, or where independently reported news items concern our sponsors, we clearly disclose this information.
Pro Bono Australia works to ensure that our sponsors are aligned with the values and vision of our Good Business site.
Pro Bono Australia reserves the right to retract affiliate/partner status should they be found to be conducting themselves in a manner which is in serious contradiction to the Good Business site. Pro Bono Australia also reserves the right to report on any such behaviour via its News Services , providing all companies with an appropriate and reasonable “right of reply”
Pro Bono Australia is proud to be one of Australia’s first social purpose business ventures. Since 2000, we have worked to support our vision of an engaged and informed civil society which supports and encourages the very organisations which make such a society possible. Our base, therefore, has always been not-for-profit organisations and, in our opinion, healthily functioning, well-supported NFPs remain at the foundation of a robust and active civil society.
Over the past decades, an increasing number of for-profit businesses have begun to recognise that they, too, must play a role in engaging the community beyond their shareholders or financial stakeholders to contribute to social and environmental benefits and minimise or prevent negative impacts where they may occur as a result of their operations. In many businesses, this progressive concern manifests through corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs, Shared Value strategies or aligning up as a BCorporation. Pro Bono itself is a BCorporation.
In recognition, and in support of, the growing and concerted commitment of many businesses to these areas, Pro Bono Australia launched our Good Business site in 2006, which provides a consolidated, trusted outlet for information about businesses’ activities.
We are keenly aware that CSR/Shared Value and BCorporations are not silver bullets to corporate misbehaviour, greed or poor governance. They are, however, a solid and meaningful step in the right direction, and we believe it deserves our support.
We take our commitments to the non-profit community very seriously. NFPs are at the heart of Pro Bono Australia’s business and will remain there. In order to preserve our values and protect our professional and personal integrity, and the credibility of our brand and those associated with us, we thought long and hard about the potential implications of serving the for-profit community. We have gone so far as to seek third party advice to ensure that we are not blind to potential ethical issues.
Any issues or questions on our Good Business site should be sent to admin@probonoaustralia.com.au and a senior representative from the end will respond. Many thanks. The Pro Bono Australia Team.