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Organisation Review: Protecting your organisation’s reputation

Date: 05 October 2016 at 02:00 pm Presenter: Jodie Willmer, Ross Campbell & Georgina Chapman Run time: 60 minutes Location: Online Materials Price: $0 (in AUD)

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Are you and your leadership team ready to handle an unexpected crisis?

It’s not a matter of if but when your organisation will face a crisis – don’t miss out on learning the skills you need to handle the unexpected.
Crises come in many forms: from occupational health and safety issues, major disasters, negative publicity, money defrauded to incidents involving clients. It’s every organisation’s responsibility to ensure staff are given the training, tools and processes to handle the unexpected.

This 60-minute live panel will feature three experts who will help you prepare, or improve an existing risk management strategy to ensure the safety of your staff, volunteers and clients and publicly protect your reputation.

The webinar will include:

  • working through a (mock) crisis scenario with our expert panel
  • a checklist of what your risk management strategy should cover
  • templates for the protocols, skills and defined roles to have in place now
  • understanding what NOT to do in an organisational emergency
  • how your Board can best support the CEO, staff and volunteers during a crisis
  • legal issues to consider.


The Panel:

Jodie Willmer, Lead Consultant at Conscious Governance, is a seasoned strategic planning consultant and governance evaluation expert. She works with Boards and Not for Profit CEOs to improve their strategic thinking and execution so they are well equipped to act on their organisational vision in a vastly changing world. Jodie has a background in executive management and leadership. For eight years, she was the CEO of Travellers Aid Australia and was on the Board of the Victorian Council of Social Services for six years.

Ross Campbell is Principal of RCA Crisis Management, a global crisis management and recovery consulting firm specialising in crisis response strategies, counsel and pre-crisis training for many companies and government departments. He has prepared crisis management plans for corporate and government organisations; lectured and conducted crisis roundtables at several universities; is a regular commentator on crisis management leadership strategy related to major escalating incidents and crises; and the author of Crisis Control – Preventing and Managing Corporate Crises, published by Penguin.

Georgina Chapman, is a Partner at HR Legal, who has substantial experience in guiding clients through the legal minefield of employment and workplace relations. She acts for a wide range of employers on matters including discrimination, industrial relations, occupational health and safety and employee termination related issues. Her approach is clear: what does the client want? What are the risks? How can the client achieve its objectives while minimising these risks?


Post webinar pack
Can’t make the date? All registered participants will be sent a post-webinar pack 2–3
days after the session. The packs include the live webinar recording, slide deck and webinar book. The webinar book is a tool designed to ensure your learnings last. It includes the session’s transcript with corresponding slides, the live chat stream (so you’re across peer discussion) and presenter notes. Whether you are wanting to brush up on what you’ve learned or if you missed the live session, the post-webinar tool kit ensures you’re always across the session’s learnings.


Jodie Willmer, Ross Campbell & Georgina Chapman

Jodie Willmer, Ross Campbell & Georgina Chapman

Jodie Willmer, Lead Consultant at Conscious Governance, is a seasoned strategic planning consultant and governance evaluation expert. She works with Boards and Not for Profit CEOs to improve their strategic thinking and execution so they are well equipped to act on their organisational vision in a vastly changing world. Jodie has a background in executive management and leadership. For eight years, she was the CEO of Travellers Aid Australia and was on the Board of the Victorian Council of Social Services for six years. Ross Campbell is Principal of RCA Crisis Management, a global crisis management and recovery consulting firm specialising in crisis response strategies, counsel and pre-crisis training for many companies and government departments. He has prepared crisis management plans for corporate and government organisations; lectured and conducted crisis roundtables at several universities; is a regular commentator on crisis management leadership strategy related to major escalating incidents and crises; and the author of Crisis Control - Preventing and Managing Corporate Crises, published by Penguin. Georgina Chapman, is a Partner at HR Legal, who has substantial experience in guiding clients through the legal minefield of employment and workplace relations. She acts for a wide range of employers on matters including discrimination, industrial relations, occupational health and safety and employee termination related issues. Her approach is clear: what does the client want? What are the risks? How can the client achieve its objectives while minimising these risks?
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