ACFID National Conference 2016 – Impact: A Future International Development Agenda for Australia
October 26-27, 2016, Melbourne, Vic
ACFID National Conference in 2016 will bring together ACFID members alongside representatives from government, academia, the private sector and other strategic sectors, to explore a bold, future agenda for the Australian development sector to ensure maximum impact on sustainable development and poverty alleviation. In doing so, presentations and discussions will consider Australia’s strengths and expertise, positioning in the world, the issues at hand, and the changing context of international development, with a particular focus on the role of Government and NGOs and collaboration across sectors. This will be about setting a forward agenda, but also thinking about what we need to do now, to make change happen.
Conference Gala Dinner Speaker: Emeritus Professor Gillian Triggs is the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission
Conference website:
See Keynote Speakers here:
Program here: