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About Us 

We help purpose-driven people and organisations grow their impact through knowledge. Our mission is simple: for the common good. 


What we do

Since 2000, we have shared news, careers and resources for the social sector. We are the independent trusted news outlet for those working with purpose, or those wanting to. We provide access to all the expert voices, our experienced journalists uncover and shed light on issues that are missed by mainstream media, and we drive impact to create sustainable change.


Our Impact 

We tend to make waves with issues we bring to light: from our articles and surveys being quoted on parliament floor, to pioneering Civil Voices, launching our podcasts through Aussie radio stations to being recognised nationwide as the news service for the sector at events: we drive and challenge change. 


How you can support us 

Together, we are stronger. 

Join our community of supporters to help grow the for-purpose sector through better collaboration, connection and knowledge sharing. We’ll be the trusted conduit for you across our sector, convening networking events and white papers on key issues, and you’ll be supporting us to keep our trusted, independent news free and open for everyone. 


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