Aged Care is facing more change and challenges than ever before. To meet these challenges, great leadership is needed now.
The five-day Aged Care Leadership Intensive 2016 creates a natural next step for mid and senior-level leaders, equipping them to lead with confidence in a future aged care environment that is both disruptive and challenging.
The program is designed to accelerate the leadership development of the individual and to build leadership capacity for the aged care industry and the community as a whole.
What to expect:
* A learning experience that motivates and challenges
* You will learn from the experiences of other participants in the group, from remarkable leaders and issue experts
* You will gain a greater awareness of leadership issues, their complexity and how leaders are tackling them
* You will explore and challenge your own values, beliefs, philosophies and prejudices, and re-evaluate who you are as a member of your community and as a leader
Guest speakers include
* Liz Bishop, Chief Operating Officer, Melbourne City Mission
* Jenny Matic, Interim State Manager, Leading Aged Care Services Australia Professor
* Barbara Workman, Rehabilitation and Aged Care Services, Monash Health
* Peter Hunter MBBS FRACP MBL FANZSGM, Geriatrician; Associate Professor and Director of Aged Care; Clinical Program Director, Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Care, AlfredHealth