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How to enhance your brand, build trust and grow your funding in challenging times

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Date: 20 February 2020 at 02:00 pm Presenter: Pro Bono Australia Location: Online Materials Price: $ (in AUD)

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Rise above the noise: How to enhance your brand, build trust and grow your funding in challenging times

Trust in Australian institutions is low. The bushfire crisis has heightened scrutiny of how organisations use their funds, particularly not for profits. And in an open marketplace, articulating your impact is critical for differentiating your organisation, so what you achieve is just as clear as what you do.

In this 60-minute online session, you’ll learn how to measure your social impact and use these insights to build a compelling narrative – one that attracts sustainable funding, builds trust with consumers, engages your partners and strengthens relationships with staff internally.

This webinar will go beyond measuring ‘outputs’ to evaluating the impact your organisation has on people’s lives, or on the environment. You’ll learn how to leverage these findings to enhance your brand.

Our expert presenters, Melanie Yap and Melinda Scaringi from Ellis Jones, will answer questions such as:

  • How can I build my organisation’s brand, so that funders know us, and trust us to make a positive impact through their investment?
  • How can I make key decision-makers understand what we really do? The difference we make in people’s lives?
  • How can I set my organisation apart from others seeking this funding?
  • How can I build trust with the people we know we can help, so they engage, and stay engaged, with our services?

You’ll leave this webinar empowered to determine which programs and services you should include in your social impact strategy and evaluation, what tools are best for measuring your organisation’s impact, and how you can communicate your impact in a way that’s compelling for funders, consumers, staff, partners and other stakeholders.

Who should attend?

This webinar is aimed at CEOs, grant managers, program managers, development/sustainability managers, finance managers, and marketing managers – of community organisations, particularly service providers, looking to build their brand and create more sustainable funding streams.

Pricing and webinar details:

  • Online event – in this interactive session, you’ll have the chance to have your questions answered live by our presenters
  • Individual Access from $55 (Don’t forget! If your organisation is listed in the Guide to Giving, you’re entitled to a 10% discount. If you don’t remember how to redeem your discount, email us at

Ticket price includes:

  • Live access to the webinar — all you need is a computer and/or phone
  • Access to the interactive chat box to have your questions answered live
  • Digital Post Webinar Pack — the packs are emailed to you a week after the webinar and include the audio and visual recordings, slide deck, and (if purchased) the webinar book. The webinar book includes the session’s transcript with corresponding slides, the live chat stream and presenter notes.

Presented by: 

Melanie Yap leads Ellis Jones’ social impact work. She heads an expert team delivering shared value strategy, social innovation, impact measurement, and initiative design projects, nationally. She has more than twelve years of experience working across business government and not-for-profit sectors to develop, implement and evaluate social impact strategies and programs.

Melinda Scaringi
 is Ellis Jones’ communications director. She supports organisations to achieve a positive social impact through storytelling, brand and behaviour change. For more than a decade, her work has created measurable contributions to the objectives of not-for-profits, educational institutions, governments and commercial enterprises.

About Pro Bono Webinars:

Pro Bono Webinars are designed to empower Australia’s not-for-profit and social sector organisations to do more good, with more knowledge.

Our 60-minute webinars offer valuable learning opportunities for organisations, staff and volunteers on topics that are pertinent to the Australian social sector, including (but not limited to!) fundraising, HR and employment, innovation, technology, marketing, general finance and governance.

Pro Bono Australia is a social enterprise, using revenue from products such as our webinars to ensure our news team can continue to report on key social issues, helping us grow a robust, connected and resourced community sector in Australia. By purchasing a ticket to one of our webinars, not only are you investing in your professional development, you’re investing in an engaged, informed social sector. Check out our social impact here.

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