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Board Chair

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Organisation : Uniting AgeWell

Location : Melbourne (Melbourne)

Work type : Part-time

Sector : Aged Care & Seniors

Salary type : Annual Package

Application closing date : 14 Aug, 2017

About the organisation

Organisation Name : Uniting AgeWell
Uniting AgeWell has a wellbeing approach to its provision of aged care services, encouraging choice and building on the strengths, goals and aspirations of each individual person. The organisation provides many services for older people including residential and community aged care, day centres, transitional care and retirement living utilising our 'AgeWell Model' based on access, independence well being and choice. An organisation of the Uniting Church in Australia with services in Victoria and Tasmania, UA employees about 2,500 staff across 20 residential sties and multiple community program. UA has an annual operating budget exceeding $170m and a significant capital development program including imminent commencement of construction of two new residential facilities.

About the role

Uniting AgeWell Board Chair
The current Uniting AgeWell Board Chair will conclude his term of office in January 2018 and UA is seeking to appoint a new Chair who has extensive governance experience and expertise.

With significant experience as a Board Chair the ideal candidate will have experience in the not for profit sector, current knowledge of the aged care industry and a commitment to the wellbeing of clients through service excellence and innovation. The Chair will ensure that the UA Board is effective in setting organisational strategy, and will be accountable for ensuring that the Board applies due care and diligence in fulfilling its corporate and clinical governance, legal, ethical, fiduciary and financial responsibilities.

An exceptional leader, the Chair will have excellent strategic, risk management, communication and networking skills. An appreciation of the ethos and polity of the Uniting Church in Australia is essential.

How to apply

Applications not allowed for this job listing.


Please quote in application: Board Chair via Pro Bono Australia.

Profession: #Board_-_OLD, #Healthcare_and_Medical
Sector: #Aged_Care_and_Seniors

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