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Organisation : Sudd Foundation

Location : Melbourne (Braybrook and Dandenong)

Work type : Part-time

Sector : Community Development

Salary type : Volunteer

Salary : Board meeting expenses paid

Application closing date : 16 Mar, 2020

About the organisation

Organisation Name : Sudd Foundation

The organisation is presently based in Braybrook, Melbourne.  It seeks to ensure all Australians from South Sudan are active, positive, accepted participants in the broader community.  This will be achieved through addressing priority areas of unmet need in the South Sudanese community, with specific focus on current issues that are creating negative impacts on the wider community. The organisation will also seek to more broadly promote integration, create positive partnerships and build capacity by co-creating and funding support services and opportunities for the South Sudanese community. The organisation’s top-line strategic goals are:

•             Reduce youth crime and infringement incidence

•             Reduce vulnerability of community members through education and connection

•             Increase community integration and acceptance for Australians from South Sudan

•             Increase rates of employment and community participation

The majority of the preparatory work to set up the organisation has been done.  Community meetings have been held. The Constitution has been passed. A Strategic Plan has been completed.  Initial funding has been obtained from the Victorian Department of Multicultural Affairs however further funds are dependent on a restructure of the Board.  The government has requested that the Board be representative of the tribal groups in Victoria, contain as much of a gender balance as possible, and have members of non-South Sudanese background in a co-share role (co-chair, co-treasurer etc). 

The tribal requirement has been met, with representatives of the Dinka, Nuer and Equatoria region are now on the Board. 



About the role

The Sudd Foundation is seeking a Board member to fill the role of treasurer in this new and emerging organisation.  The person will preferably be a CPA or Chartered Accountant.  The role involves training/mentoring of a South Sudanese counterpart.

Experience with South Sudan and/or tribal communities in Africa  is greatly preferred.

Experience with the not for profit sector is preferred

The treasurer will be required to attend monthly Board meetings and provide assistance to their South Sudanese counterpart, in a training role.

The role will require familiarity with and oversight of the finances of the organisation, and reporting to the State government.


How to apply

Applications not allowed for this job listing.


Please quote in application: Treasurer/accountant via Pro Bono Australia.

Profession: #Finance_and_Accounting
Sector: #Community_Development

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