Organisation : Partners in Aid Ltd
Location : Australia (Melbourne, however meetings are held by Zoom so directors currently come from a number of different states in Australia)
Work type : Part-time
Sector : Overseas Aid & Development
Salary type : Volunteer
Application closing date : 21 Apr, 2024
About the organisation
Partners in Aid Ltd is a not-for-profit international development organisation that works with overseas NGOs that are implementing sustainable development projects in disadvantaged rural communities in the region in which they are located. The organisation has been operating since 1962 and currently supports projects in Sri Lanka, India, and the Philippines. The funding comes primarily from donors and the organisation of occasional fund-raising functions and grants.
Organisation Details: Budget: around $135,000 p.a.
Organisational structure: Company limited by guarantee.
Taxation status: Registered Not-for-profit.
Number of paid Staff: 0.
Membership: ~ 50.
Community segment: International aid, environment, education, health, and water and sanitation
Current Board Size: 7 (to be expanded to 11).
ACFID accreditation: Yes.
Web page : https ://www.partnersinaid.org.au.
The Board meets monthly to consider governance issues. The Board also has an advisory Project Committee which includes some Board members and some non-Board members and meets with the Board every second month. The Project Committee can meet independently of the Board whenever it feels the need to do so and make recommendations back to the Board.
About the role
Membership of the Partners in Aid Board provides the opportunity to help enable residents of poor rural communities in a number of countries to make sustainable improvements in the quality of their lives.
As part of their core responsibilities as directors, all Partners in Aid Board members are directly involved in processes such as strategic planning, risk management, financial overview, development of guidelines regarding the type and location of projects Partners in Aid should fund, decision-making regarding whether or not to fund project proposals submitted, etc.
In order to keep administrative costs down, Partners in Aid does not employ any staff. Accordingly, in addition to adopting a governance role, Board members each nominate to undertake some operational responsibilities, such as meeting external compliance requirements, compiling the quarterly newsletter etc. Generally, directors should expect to commit on average 5 hours a month in addition to meeting attendance (generally 90 minutes per month).
The organisation has recently expanded the size of its Board, and is currently seeking expressions of interest for four new director positions. We are happy to consider any expressions of interest. However, the Board tries to ensure that membership reflects the range of skills relevant to both good governance and the effective operation of international projects, and we are currently particularly interested in recruiting new directors with skills or experience in one or more of the following: marketing and communications (including knowledge of Mailchimp and/or Canva), IT (including knowledge of SharePoint and/or WordPress) and grant writing. Experience with or qualifications in international development would be an advantage but not essential.
In addition to involvement in governance issues, there is also scope for any directors who might wish to do so, to become involved, in collaboration with our overseas partner NGOs, in the design, monitoring and evaluation of the international development projects that we fund.
Appointment is for three years, with the possibility of re-election. An induction into the Board’s functioning and the various documented policies and procedures is provided to all new Board members.
This position offers the opportunity not only for involvement in governance, but for acquiring a first-hand understanding of what is involved in the day-to-day operations of a small international development NGO and its project management.
How to apply
Applications not allowed for this job listing.
Please quote in application: Board Director via Pro Bono Australia.
Sector: #Overseas_Aid_and_Development