About the organisation
The Actuaries Institute represents, educates, and connects a growing community of Australian actuaries within Australia and globally. The Institute is renowned for providing expert public comment, its strong relationship with government and regulators, and its leading education program.
We support actuaries at each stage of their career via practice committees, microcredentials and short courses, mentor programs, networking events and meet ups, insights sessions and professional standard production.
About the role
Disciplinary Scheme Panel Appointments
The actuarial profession in Australia is committed to establishing and maintaining strict professional and ethical standards both for the protection of the public and the reputation of the actuarial profession. We do this by providing quality practice guidance and maintaining and enforcing strict professional standards.
The Disciplinary Scheme exists to address conduct which falls short of the standards expected. This helps to protect the public as well as maintain and protect the standards, professionalism and reputation of our members. To ensure community expectations are met, Disciplinary Scheme Panels comprise legal, lay and actuarial members. Appointments to the Disciplinary Scheme are made for a fixed term not exceeding five (5) years and are paid on an hourly fee contract basis.
Applicants may register their interest by completing the EOI Form, which includes details of core competencies required, and returning it to: Disciplinaryscheme@actuaries.asn.au by 8th November 2024.
How to apply
Applications not allowed for this job listing.
Please quote in application: Disciplinary Scheme Panel Members via Pro Bono Australia.
Sector: #Other