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Specialised Foster Carer – Blacktown & Campbelltown surrounds

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Organisation : OzChild

Location : Sydney, Work from home jobs and Hybrid jobs (Blacktown, Campbelltown and surrounding suburbs)

Work type : Full-time, Part-time, Contract/Temporary

Profession : Community Services, Education & Training, Healthcare & Medical, Mental / Health Counseling, Social & Support Work

Sector : Children, Community Development, Community Engagement, Community Support Services, Domestic / Family Violence, Education & Training, Families, LGBTIQ+, Mental Health, Youth & Young People

Salary type : Annual Package

Salary : $80,000 - $100,000 ($6,667 monthly)

Application closing date : 18 Apr, 2025

About the organisation

Organisation Name : OzChild

OzChild is one of Australia's longest-serving charities for children, young people and families. They support children, young people and families who are experiencing significant challenges by strengthening families, providing healing, and preventing abuse and neglect.

Their mission is to prevent children & young people from entering out-of-home care, reduce the number of children & young people in residential care, prevent young people from entering youth justice and Support self-determination to reduce the over-representation of Aboriginal children in child protection & youth justice.

About the role

This is not your average role, so let me explain. It’s a full-time job where you will be part of a transformative short-term treatment foster care team to care for a young person aged 7-17 in your own home for around 9 months.

You will be responsible for:

  • Providing positive reinforcement for the child or young person in a home environment.
  • Follow an exact program of care and be closely supervised and guided by the OzChild care team, which includes a therapist, skills coach, teacher and supervisor.
  • Providing a loving and caring home, routine, and passing on basic life skills.


About you

You are a Permanent Resident of Australia from all different religions and backgrounds, young, old, with their own kids, without kids, empty nesters, everyone from the LGBTQIA+ community, etc. 

You will also have:

  • A suitable living space, including a spare bedroom.
  • No children under five years old living in the home.
  • A solid support network and a good sense of humour.
  • Live within the service area. Click here to view the service area.
  • Be willing to undergo thorough screening processes and assessment interviews.


What’s in it for you?

This is a great opportunity to make a difference in a young person’s life by helping to sculpt a successful path for a child who needs a structured and therapeutic environment.

  • You will be paid a monthly tax-free allowance of $6,667, and you might also be eligible for Family Tax Benefit A&B. 
  • Be a part of a program that helps children develop the skills they need to thrive at home, in school, and in the community. 
  • Receive comprehensive initial and ongoing training and guidance.
  • You will have 24/7 on-call support, daily phone calls and weekly carer support meetings.

How to apply

To apply, click "Apply Now" and make an enquiry via the online form. Our team will contact you and send you more information. 

We’re ready to hear from you now!


Please quote in application: Specialised Foster Carer – Blacktown & Campbelltown surrounds via Pro Bono Australia.

Profession: #Community_Services, #Education_and_Training, #Healthcare_and_Medical, #MentalHealth_Counseling, #Social_and_Support_Work
Sector: #Children, #Community_Development, #Community_Engagement, #Community_Support_Services, #DomesticFamily_Violence, #Education_and_Training, #Families, #LGBTIQ, #Mental_Health, #Youth_and_Young_People

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