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Position : CEO
Organisation : Melba Support Services
Margaret Bell AM
Volunteering Australia
Kylee Bates
David Locke
Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission
Rikki Andrews
Paul Power
Refugee Council of Australia
Andrew Heslop
Neighbour Day
Rohan Braddy
Mambourin Enterprises
Darren Patten
Golden West Resources
Romlie Mokak
Lowitja Institute
Lisa Annese
Diversity Council Australia
Alexie Seller
Pollinate Energy
Heather Allan
Lung Foundation Australia
Emma King
Victorian Council of Social Service
Tracy Howe
Council of Social Service of NSW
Samantha Kennerley
Craig Harrison
Disability Employment Australia
David Ames
National Ageing Research Institute
Kirsten Bickendorf
Australian Refugee Association
Jocelyn Bignold
McAuley Community Services for Women
Tracey Sawyer
Testigo Projects
Glenda Stevens
Homelessness Australia
Naomi Steer
UNHCR Australia
Melanie Tate
Puddle Jumpers
Josephine Nicholls