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Tag : 2019

Two good, two bad, one leader – 2019 in reflection

David Crosbie, Thursday, 19th December 2019 -  In wrapping up the year, Community Council for Australia CEO David Crosbie, highlights two good trends, two bad trends and talks about one outstanding leader. A lot has happened in

Same same, but different – 2019 in review

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 18th December 2019 -  As the sun sets on 2019 – and this decade comes to an end – Luke Michael looks back at how the year unfolded for the social sector  If 2018 was a year of political chaos and upheaval, then

Who earns the most in the social sector… and why?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 10th July 2019 -  CEOs in aged care and disability are taking home the biggest pay packets as the sectors try to remain competitive and efficient, Pro Bono Australia’s 2019 Salary Survey reveals.  

Predictions for 2019: Philanthropy

Sarah Wickham, Thursday, 10th January 2019 -  In 2019 we will see philanthropy leadership excel, writes policy and research manager at Philanthropy Australia Sarah Wickham, in the first in a series of predictions for the coming

Pro Bono Australia Launches 2019 Salary Survey

Luke Michael, Thursday, 8th November 2018 -  For the seventh consecutive year Pro Bono Australia is calling on not-for-profit executives and managers to take part in the sector’s largest benchmarking salary survey. Launching
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