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Tag : Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Q&A: Rishworth’s plan for “positive impact”

Danielle Kutchel, Tuesday, 2nd August 2022 -  The new social services minister promises to leave no Australian behind. Almost three months on from the election, Parliament has begun sitting and we’re starting to get an idea of

The Administrative Appeals Tribunal affirms less than 2% of NDIS decisions appealed by participants

Geoff Southwell, Tuesday, 15th October 2019 -  With over 90 per cent of appeal cases potentially subject to undue influence by the NDIA – the very body whose actions are being questioned in the AAT – it is not clear that the NDIS appeals

Noise Impact Charity Challenges Regulator Over Revocation

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 29th September 2016 -  A charity that researches and advises on the impact of industrial noise, including wind farms, is challenging a decision by the charity regulator, and the subsequent loss of its tax…

Another Charity Denied DGR Status

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 4th August 2011 -  Another charity has been denied Deductible Gift Recipient status by the Administrative Appeals Tribunal which ruled that Krishnamurti Australia Inc. is not a health promotion…

Bicycle Victoria Recognised as a Charity But Denied DGR Status

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 28th July 2011 -   
Self-funded Not for Profit organisation, Bicycle Victoria has won the right to be called a charity but has missed out on Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status. The Administrative
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