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Tag : AFDO


Making the invisibility of disability seen

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Wednesday, 21st September 2022 -  Australian Federation of Disability Organisations’ CEO Ross Joyce has had an extensive career dedicated to community service. He is this week’s Changemaker. While Ross Joyce’s

Disability pension pushing Indigenous Australians into poverty

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 18th September 2019 -  Two in five Indigenous households relying on the Disability Support Pension ran out of money for basic items such as food and fuel in the last year, new research shows, prompting calls

Report finds people with disability ‘aren’t getting a fair go’

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 4th September 2019 -  People with disability are four times more likely to experience high psychological distress than other Australians, according to new research. The Australian Institute of Health

Auditor-general uncovers rising NDIS fraud allegations

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 26th June 2019 -  Authorities are dealing with a major rise in tip-offs about suspected fraud in the National Disability Insurance Scheme, with the auditor-general revealing investigations are

Disability Advocates Question Scope of Royal Commission

Luke Michael, Monday, 17th September 2018 -  The social sector says it welcomes the establishment of a royal commission into aged care, but disability advocates are dismayed ongoing calls to address abuse affecting the broader

Concerns NDIS Fraud Squad will ‘Criminalise People with Disability’

Luke Michael, Friday, 27th July 2018 -  Concerns exist the National Disability Insurance Scheme fraud squad will “criminalise people with disability”, with advocates questioning its focus and value amid a service-delivery

Sector Calls for Social Services Stability After Prentice Dumped

Luke Michael, Monday, 14th May 2018 -  Social sector leaders have called for greater stability in the social services portfolio, after Assistant Minister for Social Services and Disability Services Jane Prentice lost

Fears NDIA Will Force People into Shared Accommodation Settings

Luke Michael, Monday, 14th May 2018 -  Disability groups have expressed concerns that the National Disability Insurance Agency will force most people seeking Specialist Disability Accommodation into a group home

Sharp Decline in People Accessing Disability Support Pension

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 21st February 2018 -  Tougher compliance measures have led to a sharp decline in people accessing the Disability Support Pension, with the Department of Human Services revealing almost 75 per cent of

Building an Ordinary Life

Wendy Williams, Monday, 6th March 2017 -  Matthew Wright is the branch manager of design and inclusion at the National Disability Insurance Agency focusing on co-design. He is this week’s Changemaker. Wright, the former

Disability Employment Plan Released

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 14th July 2015 -  The organisation chosen by the Federal Government to be the primary voice for people with disability has released a five point plan to address disability employment. The Australian…
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