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Tag : Amaze

“It’s always the people”

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Thursday, 8th December 2022 -  Jim Mullan led change at large non-profits including SecondBite and The Big Issue UK. As this week’s Changemaker, he reflects on the power of people and the importance of being open

New autism support service unveiled

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 9th June 2021 -  “We want to ensure the more than 200,000 Australian people with autism have the right support to meet their needs and participate fully in the community” Australia’s first national

Advocates divided over the return of students with disability to the classroom

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 15th July 2020 -  There are concerns children with disability will not have access to appropriate education supports          Disability advocates are concerned by the Victorian government’s

Autism: How Much Do We Really Know About It?

Estelle Stathoulis, Monday, 14th May 2018 -  Most of us know the word but how much do we really understand about autism? Pro Bono News spoke with members of the community about their experiences in light of new research highlighting
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