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Tag : AMP Foundation

AMP Foundation shifts for the future

Danielle Kutchel, Monday, 12th September 2022 -  As AMP Foundation celebrates 30 years of operation, its incoming general manager explains why philanthropists need to speak up and lead. How do you quantify three decades of philanthropic

AMP’s Tomorrow Fund has $1 million in grants – apply now

Contributor, Tuesday, 8th March 2022 -  The AMP Foundation is looking for exceptional individuals who are working hard on a community project but need help to take it to the next level.  Now in its ninth year, the AMP Tomorrow

Collaboration key to a better tomorrow

Contributor, Tuesday, 4th May 2021 -  By taking fresh approaches, grassroots charities can play a vital role in the community sector. Two AMP Tomorrow Fund grant recipients and founders share their stories of collaboration

Philanthropy Missing Out on Shared Learnings – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 1st December 2015 -  A new report has shown there is room for improvement in the way the Australian philanthropic sector collaborates and shares insights into its work. The report, Key trends and best

AMP Foundation Offers $1M in Grants

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 8th July 2014 -  The AMP Foundation is offering Australians who want to make a positive impact in the community a share in up to $1million in grants. The Foundation’s Tomorrow Fund will be providing…

Social Benefit Bond Raises $7M

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 4th June 2013 -  Not for Profit organisation, Social Ventures Australia has raised $7 million for Australia’s first social benefit bond – well ahead of schedule. Social Ventures Australia…

Philanthropic Investment in Aboriginal Women Needed – Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 29th October 2012 -  Australian philanthropists are being urged to invest in programs to assist Aboriginal women and girls who can then act as catalysts for social change in their local communities,…
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