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Tag : Aussie Farms

Government looks to broaden ACNC’s powers amid crackdown on unlawful activity

David Crosbie, Thursday, 18th February 2021 -  Some in the sector say the push is reminiscent of “Stalinist Russia”        The charities commissioner could be given discretion to take enforcement action against charities even

Government signals harsher penalties against charities supporting unlawful behaviour

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 15th December 2020 -  The assistant minister for charities says the new governance standard will be introduced via the charities commission  The government is moving to add trespassing, unlawful entry,

Animal rights group slams decision to strip charity of its status

Maggie Coggan, Tuesday, 19th November 2019 -  Aussie Farms was stripped of its status by the ACNC  Animal activist group Aussie Farms has accused the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission of being externally
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