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Tag : Australia Post

The important role of leadership in corporate giving culture

Luke Michael, Monday, 15th November 2021 -  Business leaders believe executives need to walk the walk when it comes to corporate giving and supporting community programs  Senior executives can help instil a strong corporate

The small but powerful campaign that’s changing how your mail looks

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 7th July 2021 -  Launched to mark NAIDOC Week, Australia Post parcels will now include a dedicated spot for Aboriginal traditional place names   Nearly 18 months ago, Gameroi woman Rachael McPhail

Do you know which traditional country you’re posting from? This new guide might help

Maggie Coggan, Saturday, 14th November 2020 -  Australia Post has come out in support of a campaign urging the public to use traditional place names when addressing mail   Australians can now access official information on how

Australia Post Reveal Zero Gender Pay Gap

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 12th October 2017 -  Australia Post, one of the largest employers in the country with more than 34,000 staff, has closed the gender pay gap. The company announced at a #CelebratingWomen event on Monday

NFPs Still ‘Middle of the Road’ on Innovation

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 27th April 2016 -  New national research has revealed that the Not for Profit sector, while not short on examples of leading edge innovation, remains largely middle of the road when it comes to innovation…

Applications for Our Neighbourhood Community Grants Closing Soon

News Team, Thursday, 17th March 2016 -  Time is running out for community organisations to apply for Australia Post’s Our Neighbourhood Community Grants. Community organisations can benefit from funding of one-off

Australia Post Community Grants

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd February 2016 -  Australia Post’s latest Community Grants program is offering one-off cash payments of up to $10,000 to Not for Profit organisations working at the grass root community level. “The…

NFP Disruptive Innovation Under the Spotlight

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 24th September 2015 -  Not for Profits are being urged to take part in the 2016 Innovation Index Survey to gain insight into ways they can optimise “disruptive” innovation in their organisations.…

AusPost Grants Program Launched

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 24th February 2015 -  Australia Post is calling on  community groups, charitable organisations and small businesses that are connecting people and creating positive change to apply for funding…

Measuring Innovation in the NFP Sector

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 23rd September 2014 -  A national survey to measure the innovation capabilities of the Australian Not for Profit sector for the first time has launched today. GiveEasy, an organisation that provides ways…
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