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Tag : AUWU

‘It’s incalculable cruelty’: Charities say $25 a week JobSeeker increase is deeply inadequate

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 23rd February 2021 -  “This rate is far too low, and we will see the continuing impacts of this on rates of disadvantage, poverty and homelessness in Australia” The community sector has severely condemned

‘This legislation is wrong’: Cashless welfare card faces Senate scrutiny

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 9th December 2020 -  Welfare advocates are urging the Senate to reject the bill           The fate of the cashless welfare card hangs in the balance, with the Senate set to decide whether the controversial

Anti-poverty advocates slam ‘cruel’ welfare cuts

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 10th November 2020 -  Prime Minister Scott Morrison says keeping the current supplement rate would “hold Australia back”    Community groups are dismayed by the federal government’s decision to slash

Government looks to reduce payment suspensions for welfare recipients

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 4th November 2020 -  Advocates say the move will lessen recipient anxiety and could halve the number of suspensions   People on income support who accidentally breach their welfare requirements will

COVID-19 creates new barriers for disadvantaged jobseekers

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 14th October 2020 -  New analysis shows there are 106 jobseekers for each entry-level job in Australia                                              The federal government’s privatised employment services program is failing vulnerable jobseekers,

‘It’s a heartless decision’: Morrison government reintroduces welfare mutual obligations

Luke Michael, Monday, 21st September 2020 -  Jobseekers soon face the threat of having their payments suspended  Anti-poverty advocates have slammed the federal government’s decision to reintroduce mutual obligations for

Fears Australia faces a Work for the Dole ‘time bomb’

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 23rd June 2020 -  Experts say mutual obligation requirements for welfare recipients must be overhauled   Growing unemployment in wake of the global pandemic could force more than 200,000 Australians

Government temporarily doubles unemployment payments amid COVID-19 outbreak

Luke Michael, Monday, 23rd March 2020 -  The announcement has already caused long lines outside Centrelink and the government’s MyGov website to crash                                                        The Morrison government’s decision to temporarily

Morrison government’s welfare fraud lab comes under fire

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 7th August 2019 -  The launch of a new digital forensics lab to detect welfare fraud has been slammed by anti-poverty advocates, who say the lab will only serve to unfairly paint welfare recipients as

Newstart Recipients Living on $17 a Day After Accommodation Costs

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 23rd May 2018 -  The Salvation Army has urged the federal government to raise the level of Newstart, after new research revealed the average recipient was living on just $17 a day after accommodation

Cashless Debit Card Trial to Be Expanded to New Region

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 14th February 2018 -  The federal government’s controversial cashless debit card will be expanded to welfare participants in Western Australia’s Goldfields region, after legislation passed

Senate Urged to Reject Welfare Reform Bill

Wendy Williams, Monday, 5th February 2018 -  People across the country have united in a day of action to fight welfare reforms, as the peak body for the community services sector calls for the senate to reject the bill amid claims
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