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Tag : Board

What happens when a charity becomes insolvent?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 9th December 2020 -  We take a look at what running insolvent means, and what charities can do to avoid it in the first place It’s become clear that charities were not flushed for cash before the pandemic.

Disappointing budgets, casualised employment and take me to your board

Contributor, Monday, 26th October 2020 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


In response to the recent federal budget, ACOSS highlighted that while it provided a glimmer for hope on

Navigating through uncertainty: Key questions NFP board members should be asking today

Felicity Green, Tuesday, 20th October 2020 -  Spark Strategy’s Felicity Green shares three considerations that can help drive the expansive conversations that every organisation should be having at the moment. Strategy and

Building quality and safety in service delivery

Alan Hough, Tuesday, 11th August 2020 -  What is a just culture and how can it benefit an organisation? Alan Hough, from Purpose at Work, explains the approach and highlights some soft skills that can help executives in their

Finding the right skills to ensure good governance

Contributor, Thursday, 6th August 2020 -  Social enterprises and not for profits gain valuable skills, perspectives and enduring relationships through the non-financial support of their funding partners. For the past

Purposeful governance: Getting the basics right for post-COVID sustainability

Ranjit Gajendra Nadarajah, Tuesday, 28th July 2020 -  Ranjit Gajendra Nadarajah and Vivienne Cunningham-Smith consider the role of purposeful governance as an impetus for sector transformation and sustainability. 

The predicament

What role does the board play in government relations?

Neil Pharaoh, Wednesday, 17th June 2020 -  The board should be monitoring the function, insight and leadership of government engagement through four lenses, writes Neil Pharaoh. In the social purpose sector two of the most

Heads down. Eyes up. Leadership in volatile times

Ushi Ghoorah, Wednesday, 25th March 2020 -  In times like this the job of a for-purpose board director is not only to guide management in dealing with the crisis, but also to lift their gaze and contemplate the long-term impacts

How do we get our board more engaged in our fundraising efforts?

Contributor, Wednesday, 12th February 2020 -  The Xfactor Collective specialist member Teisha Archer shares ways in which executive teams and managers can get their boards more engaged in fundraising and philanthropy efforts,

Fly like an eagle

Ushi Ghoorah, Tuesday, 13th August 2019 -  Map consulting group founder and director Lea Corbett challenges not for profits to fly like an eagle and maintain momentum for reform with the help of their board. Time keeps on slippin’,

Lessons from the banking royal commission for the NFP sector

Contributor, Tuesday, 11th June 2019 -  The findings from the Hayne Report have something for all organisations to learn from, writes Nick Walker from HLB Mann Judd Melbourne. By now, most people are aware that Commissioner


How to Find the Right Mix Of Skills at Board Level to Drive Success

Richard Green, Monday, 28th May 2018 -  Not for profits are struggling to find the right mix of skills at board level writes NGO Recruitment director Richard Green, who offers five steps to recruit the right board for your
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