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Tag : Bushfires

Rebuilding after the fires: the role of entrepreneurship

Samantha Freestone, Monday, 30th May 2022 -  Community-led solutions was one of four key topics explored at the SEWF 2022 Policy Forum which took place last week, kicking off an annual programme of events.  When the 2019/20 Black

Former fire chief reflects on the award that gave him ‘vindication’ in a time of need

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 26th October 2021 -  “The overwhelming feeling I had was of vindication and encouragement to keep going because I was copping a lot of political flak”   When former Fire and Rescue NSW commissioner Greg

Social sector withstands a year like no other, with a few wins along the way – 2020 in review

Luke Michael, Monday, 21st December 2020 -  As a turbulent-filled year comes to a close, Luke Michael reflects on the sector-defining moments of 2020.    What a year 2020 has been. No one could have predicted how much the year

Keeping children safe in emergencies

Contributor, Tuesday, 15th December 2020 -  Child Wise and Save the Children join forces to deliver timely training. We know that in any emergency children are always the most vulnerable. In Australia, natural disasters, including

Celeste Barber’s story shows us the power of celebrity fundraising… and the importance of reading the fine print

Contributor, Wednesday, 27th May 2020 -  We shouldn’t let the legal issues associated with the comedian’s record-breaking fundraiser detract from the role celebrities can play by using their platform to promote giving,

Quirky bushfire fundraisers that took the world by storm

Maggie Coggan, Saturday, 11th January 2020 -  From sending nudes, to Russell Crowe auctioning off a daggy cap, we take a look at the wackiest bushfire fundraisers that went viral for a good cause  The devastation of this year’s

What about the charities?

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 8th January 2020 -  Charities big and small are stepping up to support the people and wildlife worst affected by this year’s catastrophic bushfires. But how is the sector coping with one of the largest

How are Aussie charities helping in the bushfire crisis?

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 7th January 2020 -  Australian charities are working tirelessly to help those in need as fires ravage the country Australia has been gripped by an unprecedented bushfire crisis that has affected more

ATO Acts on Fire Donations

Staff Reporter, Monday, 14th January 2013 -  People can claim donations up to $10 made to disaster relief funds for the recent bushfires in their 2013 tax return without a receipt. "The Australian Tax Office (ATO) wants…

NFPs Launch Bushfire Appeals

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 9th January 2013 -  Not for Profit organisations have launched disaster relief appeals in response to the bushfire emergencies currently affecting communities in New South Wales, Tasmania and Victoria.…

Bushfire Anniversary Highlights Emergency Planning Shortfalls

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 7th February 2012 -  The Victorian welfare umbrella organisation, VCOSS says it is concerned that community sector organisations that provide front-line care and support for Victorians affected…

Bushfire Fund Appoints Community Advisory Committee

Staff Reporter, Friday, 13th May 2011 -  The Victorian Bushfire Appeal Fund has appointed a Community Advisory Committee to provide advice on how to distribute $16 million to medium to long term community projects. The…
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