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Tag : Canberra

What can the social purpose sector learn from industry associations?

Neil Pharaoh, Tuesday, 10th March 2020 -  Neil Pharaoh shares three things which make industry associations highly effective in their campaigning and advocacy. Almost every social purpose organisation I speak to is quick

‘Potatoes For Dutton’ Campaign Aims to Raise $5,000 for Refugees

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 24th August 2018 -  A group encouraging Australians to buy a potato to send to Liberal MP Peter Dutton’s office says they will soon “wrap up the campaign”, while aiming to raise $5,000 for refugees on Nauru.

Vinnies CEO Resigns to ‘Fight Inequality Within Parliament’

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 21st August 2018 -  Dr John Falzon has resigned as national CEO of St Vincent de Paul Society to seek federal Labor preselection, vowing to continue “the fight against inequality within parliament”.

Dip A Toe In For Charity

Estelle Stathoulis, Friday, 22nd June 2018 -  Photo: Karleen Minney
A handful of thick-blooded Aussies have bravely de-robed and dunked into chilly sub zero waters to raise money for charity. On Thursday, Canberra’s Lake Burley

Why Tony Clark Should Replace Stephen Conroy

Tricia Malowney, Tuesday, 20th September 2016 -  It’s clear that we need someone in Canberra who understands the issues that affect all Australians, including Australians with disabilities, writes systemic advocate for inclusive

Porter Continues as Minister for Social Services

Wendy Williams, Monday, 18th July 2016 -  Christian Porter will continue as minister for social services with support from Zed Seselja who has been newly appointed assistant minister for social services and multicultural

Social Sector Champions Impact Investing in Canberra

Ellie Cooper, Wednesday, 16th March 2016 -  Leaders from Australia’s business, finance, community and philanthropic sectors have joined forces in Canberra to call on the government to champion a new impact investment body.

Community Lawyers Call for Funding Action

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 15th March 2016 -  Lawyers from community legal centres across Australia are in Canberra to lobby MPs about the crisis in legal assistance for disadvantaged people and to launch a new funding campaign


A Life of Service

Staff Reporter, Monday, 1st February 2016 -  A recipient of an Australia Day 2016 honour, Diana Abdel-Rahman has spent most of her life volunteering for the community. Abdel-Rahman is this week’s Changemaker. She spoke to Xavier

NFP Anger Over ACT Govt Change to Charity Definition

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 29th October 2015 -  The Community Council for Australia has expressed dismay following the ACT Government’s decision to close off charitable deductions for some peak bodies through new legislation,…

PM’s Group Consulting With ACNC

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 28th July 2015 -  A group Chaired by Prime Minister Tony Abbott, and with Social Services Minister Scott Morrison as its Deputy Chair, has met with the national charity regulator for the first time.
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