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Tag : Catherine Yeomans

Young Australians From Disadvantaged Areas are Voiceless Says New Report

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 24th October 2017 -  Young people from low socio-economic areas are often excluded from having a say in the issues affecting them and have a lack of trust in the community, according to a new report from

Mission Australia CEO Steps Down

Lina Caneva, Monday, 3rd July 2017 -  High profile chief executive officer for Mission Australia Catherine Yeomans has announced she will step down at the end of the year. Yeomans, who joined Mission Australia in July

Calls for Action as Youth Mental Illness on the Rise

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 19th April 2017 -  More young Australians are in psychological distress than five years ago, according to new research which has prompted calls from not for profits for urgent action to stem rising

Calling on Young People to Have Their Say

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 4th April 2017 -  Young Australians are being called on to express their “thoughts, concerns and aspirations” as part of the largest annual nationwide poll of young people. Community service organisation

Concerns People With Mental Illness Could Fall Through Gap of NDIS

Wendy Williams, Monday, 9th January 2017 -  The not-for-profit sector is calling for urgent action amid concerns people living with a mental illness could “fall through the gaps” as the National Disability Insurance Scheme

Demand for Homelessness Services at All Time High

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 15th December 2016 -  Demand for specialist homelessness services are at an all time high with a greater proportion of people receiving assistance due to domestic and family violence, according to a new…

Wake Up Call For Australia As Young People Show Concern For Mental Health

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 6th December 2016 -  Mission Australia is calling for a more targeted and coordinated approach to ensure youth support services are accessible across the nation, in light of new research showing rising

Australia Must Learn From America, NFPs Warn

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 10th November 2016 -  There are some “very urgent lessons” Australians must heed from America, according to the CEO of not-for-profit organisation Mission Australia. Following Donald Trump’s victory

Uniting to Make Homelessness a National Priority

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 15th June 2016 -  Leaders of Australia’s largest homelessness service providers have united in a bid to make reducing homelessness a national priority in the federal election and they are taking

Young Australians Urged to Have Their Say

Lina Caneva, Monday, 11th April 2016 -  Community service Not for Profit, Mission Australia, is calling on young Australians to express their concerns and hopes for the future, including their work prospects, by taking

Barriers Between Young People and Employment

Xavier Smerdon, Monday, 30th November 2015 -  The majority of Australian young people believe they will face barriers that will prevent from reaching their career goals after school, according to major survey. The 2015 Mission…

Disadvantaged Youth Place Higher Value on Getting a Job

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 28th April 2015 -  A new Not for Profit report surveying disadvantaged youth from across Australia reveals that they place a much higher value on getting a job than other young people. Mission Australia’s…
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