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Tag : CDP

CDP Fines Causing Stress and Anxiety for Indigenous Job Seekers

Luke Michael, Thursday, 7th February 2019 -  Financial penalties given to participants of the government’s controversial remote work-for-the-dole scheme are causing increased stress, anxiety and mental health problems

Calls to Abolish Controversial Work-for-the-dole Scheme

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 29th January 2019 -  Community groups are calling to abolish the federal government’s controversial remote work-for-the-dole scheme, despite incoming changes to the program aimed at reducing penalties

Indigenous Children Left Hungrier Under New CDP Penalties

Luke Michael, Thursday, 27th September 2018 -  Indigenous children would be left hungrier than they already are under tough new penalties proposed as part of reforms to the remote work-for-the-dole program, a Senate inquiry

Remote Work-for-the-Dole Program Under Fire for Excessive Penalties

Luke Michael, Tuesday, 9th January 2018 -  The federal government’s work-for-the-dole Community Development Program (CDP) has again come under fire, after figures revealed more than 350,000 fines have been issued under

Government Remote Employment Program Too Harsh Say Critics

Luke Michael, Friday, 1st September 2017 -  The Australian government’s remote employment and community development service has come under heavy scrutiny at a senate inquiry, with concerns voiced around unrealistic participation…
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