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Tag : Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare

The issue of violence against children should never be ignored

Deb Tsorbaris, Wednesday, 26th January 2022 -  Violence against children exists on a scale that is not acceptable, and we as a community could be doing much more to prevent it, writes Deb Tsorbaris, CEO of the Centre for Excellence

COVID-19 is the impetus we needed to level up child welfare

Deb Tsorbaris, Wednesday, 15th December 2021 -  It is our role – as adults, parents, carers, and community members – to support children and young people to thrive, through the good and the bad, writes Deb Tsorbaris, CEO of the Centre

Child poverty is a policy choice

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 18th October 2021 -  Ending child poverty requires greater financial assistance for parents and carers, and a renewed political appetite for change, writes Deb Tsorbaris, CEO of the Centre for Excellence

COVID-19 through the eyes of children and young people

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 23rd August 2021 -  Many of our kids are in crisis. It’s up to us as parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents, carers and professionals, to keep the health and wellbeing of children and young people in our

The Australian government must uphold its responsibility to unemployed care leavers

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 28th June 2021 -  With care leavers in young adulthood three times as likely as their peers to receive income support, it’s time for the government to increase payment rates above the poverty line so

An investment in the mental health, wellbeing and education of Victoria’s children and families

Deb Tsorbaris, Friday, 21st May 2021 -  Deb Tsorbaris, CEO of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, responds to the Victorian state budget. Budget time always brings about feelings of excitement and trepidation,

Recognising children as victims of crime in their own right

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 19th April 2021 -  We need to invest in specialist child focused services that address the healing and recovery of children and young people who are victims of crime, writes Deb Tsorbaris, CEO of the

Collaborative philanthropy: A new model to enable systemic change

Deb Tsorbaris, Wednesday, 17th March 2021 -  Collaborative philanthropy is an exciting way for philanthropists and organisations to combine forces in order to shape society for the better, writes Deb Tsorbaris, who shares

Strengthening parental participation to improve outcomes for children and families

Deb Tsorbaris, Wednesday, 20th January 2021 -  Deb Tsorbaris, CEO of the Centre for Excellence in Child and Family Welfare, shines a light on the approach behind the centre’s Voice of Parents project. COVID-19 has placed immense

Learning how to effectively engage young care leavers

Deb Tsorbaris, Monday, 30th November 2020 -  Engaging with young people on issues and in ways that are most meaningful to them will only benefit our organisations, writes Deb Tsorbaris, who shares learnings from the Young Leaders

Community groups say investment needed to fix Victoria’s ‘broken’ out-of-home care system

Luke Michael, Friday, 22nd November 2019 -  New research says the state government could save $1.6 billion over the next decade through targeted investment in the child protection system The number of Victorian children in

Vic 10-Year Plan for Ending Family Violence ‘Momentous’

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 24th November 2016 -  The not-for-profit sector has strongly supported the Victorian Government’s newly announced 10-year plan for ending family violence. The plan details how the government will
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