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Tag : Charity Donations

GiveEasy App a Winner

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 12th December 2012 - 
Dr Jeffrey Tobias receives the award for GiveEasy. Supplied.  The newly launched free mobile donation app, GiveEasy, has won a national innovation award in the community services…

Who Will be Donating Big to This Year’s Good Friday Appeal?

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th April 2012 -  In 2011, almost 13 million Australians made charitable donations, according to the latest Roy Morgan research. The research, as part of Roy Morgan’s Large Charity Profile,…

Donating Via ATMs on the Cards in the UK

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th March 2012 - 
Flickr image:  Some rights reserved by thinkpanama A UK cash machine network has joined with banks, building societies and cash machine operators to enable…

Cash Contributions from Australian & NZ Companies Remain Static – LBG Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 6th March 2012 -  Australian and New Zealand companies delivered more than $259 million in total contributions to the community in 2011 focusing on health, education, young people and emergency…

‘Life Changing Moments’ a Factor in Charitable Giving

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 29th February 2012 -  Flickr image:  Some rights reserved by Michael Scott | Life changing moments are said to be a key factor in the decision to donate…

Religious People Donate More – UK study

Staff Reporter, Friday, 24th February 2012 -  Religious people donate more than twice the amount to charity than those without a faith, according to new research from the Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) in the United Kingdom.…

Donation Texting on the Rise – US report

Staff Reporter, Friday, 10th February 2012 -  Flickr image:  Some rights reserved by Ricky Romero Charitable donations via text messaging are on the rise in the US, with text donors emerging as a new…

Dig Out Your Old Mobile Phones to Support Vinnies

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 17th January 2012 -  In the great tradition of ‘one person’s trash is another person’s treasure’, Vinnies Centres across Victoria are collecting old mobile telephones for…

GFC Hangover Expected to Continue to Impact Donations in 2012

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th December 2011 -  People in the United States and United Kingdom overwhelmingly trust Not for Profits (NFPs) ahead of of governments and corporations to create social change, yet most say they will…
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