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Tag : Coalition Government

Proposed New Laws to Help End Modern Slavery

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 16th August 2017 -  The Coalition government is proposing legislation that will make it a requirement for large businesses to report annually on their actions to address modern slavery. The move follows

Community Sector Slams ‘Demoralising’ Employment Plan

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 29th July 2014 -  The community sector has attacked the Federal Government’s proposed employment services model, including “work for the dole”, describing it as demoralising,…

Charity Regulator Moves on Senate Evidence

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 3rd June 2014 -  The charity regulator, the ACNC, has moved to correct what it says are key factual errors made by some of its opponents at the Senate inquiry hearing into the Coalition Government’s…

Board Directors Confidence in Coalition Wanes – Report

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th May 2014 -  Directors’ confidence in the Coalition Government, including Not for Profit board directors, has diminished on the eve of its first budget over concerns about low productivity…

Victoria Loosens Purse-Strings in State Budget

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 6th May 2014 -  The Victorian Government has delivered a big spending Budget on infrastructure and job creation, as well as a surplus of $1.3 billion in 2014-15 – offering a mixed bag for the…


Investing in Volunteering Underpins Civil Society

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th April 2014 -    Brett Williamson. Sue Noble. If Australia wants to foster a civil society and mutuality, it must develop and promote a thriving volunteering culture, writes Brett Williamson,

NFP ‘Relief’ Over Homelessness Funding

Staff Reporter, Monday, 31st March 2014 -  Not for Profit peak bodies and homelessness service provider organisations across Australia have expressed relief at the Coalition Government’s decision to re-commit…

Charities Act Safe for Now – Opposition

Staff Reporter, Friday, 7th March 2014 -  Federal Opposition says the Not for Profit sector has gained a short-term win after the Coalition Government abandoned its attempt to delay the start of the Charities Act. “The…


Babies and Bathwater – Repealing is Not the Same as Fixing

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th March 2014 -  While many in the Not for Profit sector appreciate the Coalition Government has made political promises with regard to the ACNC, it should not throw out the baby with the bathwater,

Feds Initiate NDIS Workforce Strategy

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th February 2014 -  The Coalition Government is to begin a workforce development strategy for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The Government says it has kick-started the process…


Charities Still Waiting to be Heard?

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 18th February 2014 -  Any doubt that charities are the little people in political discourse and national policy debates is being clearly dispelled by the Coalition Government’s continued enthusiasm

ACOSS Delivers Federal Budget Proposal

Staff Reporter, Monday, 10th February 2014 -  Welfare peak body, the Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) has urged the Federal Government to deliver on its promise to put the nation's Budget on a fair and sustainable…
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