Nikki Stefanoff, Wednesday, 2nd June 2021 - With the impacts of the pandemic still rippling through Australia, the Assisting Communities through Direct Connection (ACDC) project is checking in with localsAn initiative …
Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 10th October 2018 - The mental health sector is celebrating the announcement of a psychosocial stream for the National Disability Insurance Scheme, but advocates say more needs to be done for people…
Maggie Coggan, Monday, 8th October 2018 - The Productivity Commission’s inquiry into the economic effects of mental health has been welcomed by the sector, but a peak mental health body is encouraging the government to look…
Luke Michael, Wednesday, 31st January 2018 - A new report has warned that the transition to the National Disability Insurance Scheme will leave many people with psychosocial disability without appropriate mental health support.…
Staff Reporter, Thursday, 7th November 2013 -
Mental health service organisations across Australia are being invited to take part in a free 12-month pilot of a new service that aims to cut the time and cost of completing and reporting…