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Tag : Corporates

Corporates offer a helping hand to struggling social enterprises

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 1st May 2020 -  Companies including Westpac, MinterEllison, and Boston Consulting Group will provide pro bono business support Social enterprises affected by the COVID-19 pandemic can utilise

Fundraising Initiative Connects Donors with Products

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 29th May 2014 -  A new charity support service called The Global Fundraising Initiative, has been launched allowing Australians to donate to a charity while signing up for products and services…

Volunteer Conference Resorts to Crowdfunding

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 13th May 2014 -  Australian organisers hosting the World Volunteer Conference in September have resorted to crowdfunding to raise additional money to pay for scholarships for people to attend…

Profiling the Sharing Economy

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 26th March 2014 -  A new report from the US has mapped the emerging ‘collaborative economy’ movement – warning corporates that they need to understand this trend of consumers sharing…

Social Ventures Chief Takes on New Role

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th February 2014 -  Evidence based funding is becoming more mainstream in Australia but there is still a long way to go, says the founder of Social Ventures Australia, Michael Traill. Traill’s…


The Cost of Addressing Homelessness – A Responsibility for All

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 21st January 2014 -  The onus for funding homelessness initiatives should not be placed solely on government but shared with corporates, philanthropists and the wider community who all standing to

NFPs Share Insights on Kicking Goals with Corporate Partners

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 25th July 2013 -  Not for Profit organisations can no longer rely on philanthropy to get by but need to put more of a focus on corporate partnerships and collective impact, delegates were told at a Sydney…

Employee Involvement Crucial in CSR

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd July 2013 -  Toyota Motor Corporation Public Affairs Manager Katarina Persic shared insights into how the car giant develops partnerships and makes decisions when it comes to community and…

The Corporate Partnership Climate

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 23rd July 2013 -  Corporate entities are on the search for a 'sweet spot' where the interests of the corporate and the community partner can align, a Sydney conference has been told. The Director…

Pennies Deliver Corporate Donations to UK Charities

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 20th March 2013 -  A unique scheme to increase donations to UK charities has made awards to corporates who have embraced the program and raised money for Not for Profits. The program, organised by UK…
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