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Tag : Curtin University

Redefining overcrowding in homelessness

Danielle Kutchel, Friday, 29th July 2022 -  Overcrowding is more to do with state of mind than square footage, according to new research from the Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute and Curtin University released

How do you decide if your employees should return to the office?

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 2nd June 2022 -  Following two years of pandemic-disrupted workplaces, people are heading back to the office. But how do you decide what’s right for your team? New research argues you should look

What’s with the workplace secrecy?

Maggie Coggan, Friday, 29th March 2019 -  Employees are more likely to withhold important information from their coworkers when they are feeling overworked, or to avoid criticism, new research has uncovered. The research,

The Pursuit of Happiness in Work

Wendy Williams, Monday, 10th April 2017 -  Money can’t buy you happiness, but what you actually do for a living is key, according to new research which found not-for-profit workers were among the most satisfied. Curtin University

NFPs Driving WA Economy, Report Says

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 15th February 2017 -  Social services must no longer be seen as a drain on the public purse, according to the peak body for the social service sector in Western Australia, in light of a new report which shows…

Disability Service Sector Can’t Meet NDIS Demand

Ellie Cooper, Thursday, 8th September 2016 -  A significant number of disability service organisations lack the financial capacity to meet the increased demand from the National Disability Insurance Scheme, according to

Volunteering and the UN Sustainability Development Goals

Peter Devereux, Tuesday, 15th March 2016 -  Volunteering under the banner of the new universal sustainable development goals provides an opportunity to bridge the different worlds of national and international volunteering,

Charities Working Overseas Dominate Volunteers – Report

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 30th July 2015 -  Despite making up only 15 per cent of Australian charities, those that operate overseas are responsible for more than a third of the country’s two million volunteers, according…

Economic Contribution of NFPs Significant for Policy Deliberations

Xavier Smerdon, Wednesday, 15th October 2014 -  The size of the Australian Not for Profit sector and its economic significance should not be lost on the Federal Government in its policy deliberations, a forum in Melbourne has been…

Why Don’t Aussies Volunteer?

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 14th October 2014 -  A new Curtin University research project is examining why people choose not to volunteer and how Australia can build a sustainable volunteer sector. The three-year study, led by…


Babies and Bathwater – Repealing is Not the Same as Fixing

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th March 2014 -  While many in the Not for Profit sector appreciate the Coalition Government has made political promises with regard to the ACNC, it should not throw out the baby with the bathwater,

‘Second-rate’ NFP Governance Unsubstantiated – Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th October 2013 -  Not for Profit governance is effective and appropriate, and there’s no evidence it’s less effective than for-profit governance, a report on directors’ social…
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