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Tag : Daniel Andrews

Will Victorian Labor come good on its pre-election promises?

Ruby Kraner-Tucci, Monday, 28th November 2022 -  With a flurry of promises in the lead up to the weekend’s state election, we wrap up those relevant for the for-purpose sector made by Dan Andrews and his party during campaigning. Daniel

‘It’s a game changer’: Community sector celebrates historic housing pledge

Luke Michael, Monday, 16th November 2020 -  Community leaders say the sector’s advocacy efforts were vital to securing the multi-billion dollar announcement    The Victorian government will deliver more than 12,000 new

To really fix Victoria’s mental health system, we’ll need to bridge the state/Commonwealth divide

Contributor, Tuesday, 3rd December 2019 -  The Victorian government has pledged to adopt all recommendations made in the interim report of the state’s mental health royal commission, writes Professor Anthony Jorm, Emeritus

LGBTQI+ Sector Celebrates Victorian Promise to Ban Gay Conversion Therapy

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 4th February 2019 -  The LGBTQI+ sector is celebrating Victoria’s announcement to outlaw gay conversion therapy, and says it will keep a close eye on the government to ensure all commitments are kept.    

Sector Slams Social Housing Spending at All Levels of Government

Maggie Coggan, Wednesday, 23rd January 2019 -  Victoria spends less than any other state in Australia on social housing, new research shows, with the community housing sector labelling the figures a “damning insight” into years

Sector Welcomes Historic Mental Health Royal Commission

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 25th October 2018 -  The announcement of a mental health royal commission by Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, if re-elected next month, is a historic moment, a sector leader says. Andrews made the announcement

Victorian Opposition Commits to Trial Extending State Care

Luke Michael, Thursday, 14th June 2018 -  The Victorian opposition leader has promised to trial the extension of state care from 18 to 21 if successful at the upcoming state election, putting pressure on the state government…

Victorian Agency to Address Root Cause of Family Violence

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 29th March 2018 -  A new family violence prevention agency has been launched with the aim of tackling gender inequality as a root cause. Respect Victoria was launched on Thursday to coincide with the

Victoria and NSW Commit to Child Sexual Abuse Redress Scheme

Luke Michael, Friday, 9th March 2018 -  Churches, charities and other non-government institutions have been urged to join the national child sexual abuse redress scheme, after New South Wales and Victoria became the

Rental Reforms Benefit Low-Income Renters

Luke Michael, Monday, 9th October 2017 -  The Victorian government has unveiled sweeping new rental laws across the state, which social service advocates say will especially benefit low-income renters. The Andrews Labor

Call to Fund Gender Equality Measures

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 7th April 2016 -  The Women’s Information and Referral Exchange has called on Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews to fund gender equality measures as part of the government’s wider response to preventing

Family Violence Royal Commission Report ‘To Change Everything’

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 30th March 2016 -  The Royal Commission into Family Violence has made 227 recommendations in a report tabled in the Victorian Parliament receiving widespread praise from the Not for Profit sector
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