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Tag : Elizabeth Broderick

NFP Leaders Shine as Women of Influence

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 23rd October 2014 -  Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick has been named as Australia’s top Woman of Influence for 2014 in an award ceremony overnight that also saw honours awarded…

Calls to Improve Work Protections for Pregnant Women

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th July 2014 -  Victoria Legal Aid has thrown its support behind the Australian Human Rights Commission recommendations to improve legal protections for pregnant women at work and help them take…

New Guide Encourages Gender Inclusive Approach to Philanthropy

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th April 2013 - 
Sex Discrimination Commissioner Elizabeth Broderick launches the Gender-Wise Philanthropy guide in Melbourne.
Picture: supplied. 
The Australian Women Donors Network…

Gender Equality Bill Passes Through Parliament

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 27th November 2012 -  New legislation supporting gender equality in the workplace has passed through the both houses of Federal Parliament. The passage of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace…

Eyes Now on States & Territories to Fund Historic Equal Pay Decision

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 2nd February 2012 -  State and Territory Governments have been urged to commit to funding the community sector pay rises awarded in yesterday’s historic Fair Work Australia decision. UnitingCare…
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