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Tag : Emil Kogan

Vale Emil Kogan

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 25th September 2012 -  The Not for Profit sector and Pro Bono Australia are mourning the passing of former team member and charity founder, Emil Kogan who died at the weekend at the age of 25. Emil started up…

Changemakers – Emil Kogan

Staff Reporter, Monday, 13th August 2012 -  Emil Kogan, Co-Founder of Embrace Education, is profiled in Changemakers – a regular column which examines inspiring people and their careers in the Not for Profit sector.

Ten Tips for Starting a Not for Profit

Staff Reporter, Monday, 28th November 2011 -  Thinking of starting up your own Not for Profit? Co-founder of Embrace Education and Pro Bono Australia team member Emil Kogan shares his 10 tips to help you avoid common mistakes and
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