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Tag : Fiona McLeay

Record Number of Votes for 2016 Impact 25

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 29th November 2016 -  A record-breaking 11,500 votes have been cast already for the 2016 Pro Bono Australia Impact 25 awards to decide the not-for-profit sector’s most influential people. Impact 25 is


Holding the Strings to the Safety Net

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 26th June 2014 -  For many people in the community facing life’s challenges, their web of social connections can be threadbare, writes Fiona McLeay, CEO of Justice Connect. It’s interesting…


On the Right Side of the Law

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd December 2013 -  The passion to fight injustice has been close to the heart of lawyer Fiona McLeay from a very young age. Now McLeay is the Chief Executive Officer of Justice Connect, a pro bono legal

Pro Bono Law Merger

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 14th November 2013 -  Leading pro bono legal organisations in Victoria and NSW have joined forces to create Australia’s biggest agency connecting lawyers prepared to offer free legal service,…

PILCH Vic & NSW Merge

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 21st November 2012 -  The Public Interest Law Clearing House (PILCH) in Victoria and NSW will join forces to become one integrated pro bono legal organisation serving both states, it’s been announced.…

Keeping Human Rights Charter a Win-Win Decision – Not for Profits

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 15th March 2012 -  A Victorian Government decision to keep and strengthen its Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities has been welcomed by the Not for Profit Sector. The Public Interest Law Clearing…

Vic Legislation to Unlock Pro Bono Legal Advice

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 6th March 2012 -  The Public Interest Law Clearing House VIC (PILCH) has welcomed the Victorian Government’s intention to introduce legislation that will allow in-house lawyers to provide…
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