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Tag : Flood

Airbnb Deal on Emergency Accommodation

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 30th October 2014 -  Victoria is to partner with international online booking company Airbnb to provide free or low cost short-term accommodation for people displaced by major emergencies including…

Flood Review Calls for Major Reform But Praises Volunteer Organisations

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 8th December 2011 -  A review of flood warnings and emergency response efforts undertaken in the wake of severe flooding across Victoria last summer has called for a major overhaul of coordination structures…

ACOSS Rejects Calls for Welfare Cuts to Fund Flood Relief

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th February 2011 -  Welfare peak body, ACOSS has rejected calls by business groups for cuts to be made to the disability pension to pay for the flood reconstruction effort. The Australian Council of Social…
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