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Tag : Fundraising regulations

FIA and Charities Respond to Allegations of ‘Unnecessary Spending’ of Donations

Rachel McFadden, Thursday, 15th June 2017 -  The sector’s peak body for fundraising has defended charities that were named and shamed as allegedly spending up to 83 per cent of their donations on fundraising. The allegations…

‘Civil Disobedience’ Planned Over Charity Regulations

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th July 2013 -  National Not for Profit peak body, the Community Council of Australia is threatening to launch a national ‘civil disobedience’ campaign with charities after a pushback…

Options for National Fundraising Regulations Outlined in New Discussion Paper

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 14th February 2012 -  A new discussion paper examines proposals for a consistent approach to laws that govern charitable fundraising A range of reforms proposing a consistent national approach to fundraising…
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