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Tag : G8

Impact Investing Australia Appoints CEO

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 22nd October 2014 -  Investment adviser, Daniel Madhavan has been appointed as the inaugural Chief Executive Officer of Impact Investing Australia – a newly established Not for Profit set up…

Business & Philanthropic Leaders Pledge $1.5 Billion in Impact Investments

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 26th June 2014 -  In the US, 20 private-sector investors have committed more than $1.5 billion in new impact investments, on the heels of a new report on how the government can partner with investors…

Australia to Help Drive Global Market for Social Investment

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 28th May 2014 -  Sir Ronald Cohen, a global leader in venture capital, is in Australia this week to promote the work of the international Social Impact Investment Taskforce established by the G8.…

Impact Bonds to Get G8 Push

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 20th February 2013 -  British Prime Minister David Cameron has told local media that he plans to use the UK’s Presidency of the G8 to push the profile of Social Impact Bonds (SIBS) in the G8 countries.…
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