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Tag : Gender Equity

Gender lens investing can drive profit

Jonathan Alley, Thursday, 31st March 2022 -  A new gender equity roadmap for Australian investors says top-down ownership of the issue won’t just drive real change, it will increase profit.  Business performance and investments

The smaller the organisation, the smaller your pay packet… if you’re a woman

Maggie Coggan, Thursday, 11th April 2019 -  Women working in smaller not-for-profit organisations are worse off financially, making just 90 cents on every dollar a man earns, data from Pro Bono Australia’s 2019 Salary Survey

What does a leader look like?

Ushi Ghoorah, Wednesday, 10th April 2019 -  A re-definition of leadership is needed, according to sector experts who say the narrow definition of the term in many organisations is hampering their ability to tackle complex

Female Students Launch NFP For Future ChangeMakeHers

Wendy Williams, Monday, 21st August 2017 -  A group of year 12 students have launched a new not-for-profit organisation to empower girls to become changemakers of the future and encourage them to pursue primarily male-dominated

Govt Calls for Public Comment on Gender Equality

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th January 2013 -  The Federal Government has called for public comment to help develop the next stage of its workplace gender equality reforms. The Workplace Gender Equality Act was introduced to

International Women’s Day Highlights Gender Equity Gap

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 8th March 2011 -  100 years after women around the world first took to the streets to draw attention to gender equity issues, Australian women are still fighting to be paid the same as their male colleagues…

Community Sector Wage Hearings Underway

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd February 2011 -  Hearings before Fair Work Australia have begun to decide on wage-claims made on behalf of the 200,000 strong community sector workforce. Hearings in the the Australian Services…
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