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Tag : George Liacos

Beyond Government Relations: Effective Government Engagement For Social Impact

George Liacos, Tuesday, 26th June 2018 -  George Liacos, managing director of Spark Strategy, offers practical tips on how to embed government engagement within your organisation, ahead of the launch of Spark Government


Stop Speculating and Get on with NDIS Practicalities

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 9th February 2016 -  Disability service providers need to shift the focus away from speculation and onto getting their houses in order before the NDIS 1 July start date, writes strategist George Liacos

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Three Big Moves NFPs are Taking Toward Financial Sustainability

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th September 2015 -  It is becoming clearer that Australia’s climate is demanding a business-savvy social sector. With the right mix of skills and strategy Not for Profits can survive, sustain,

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How NFPs Can Budget For Sustainability

Xavier Smerdon, Thursday, 11th June 2015 -  It’s Not for Profit budgeting time and systems expert George Liacos discusses what he describes as two fashionable paths that Not for Profits are now taking to budget for sustainability.

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DIY Strategic Planning Facilitation for NFPs

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 5th May 2015 -  As Not for Profit budgeting season approaches, many are preparing for the onslaught of triangle sandwiches that is the annual strategic planning workshop, writes expert George

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Strategic Planning in the Face of Funding Uncertainty

Xavier Smerdon, Tuesday, 31st March 2015 -  Despite the tough funding environment facing the Australian Not for Profit sector it’s time to start talking about and investing in the exploration of sustainable business

Partnerships: Driving Social Impact and NFP Sustainability

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 27th February 2014 -  Managing Director of Spark Strategy, George Liacos, discusses cross sectoral partnerships, their ability to drive greater social change and influence business models, following…
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