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Tag : Heart Foundation

‘Shake it off’: Aussies urged to cut down their salt consumption for better heart health

Luke Michael, Thursday, 4th March 2021 -  New research shows two in five Australians believe salt is okay to flavour foods in heart-healthy eating    Australians are being urged to “put away the salt shaker” during World

Include a Charity in Your Will for ‘Lasting Impact’

Maggie Coggan, Monday, 20th August 2018 -  Helen Merrick is the campaign director of Include A Charity (IAC), a social change campaign encouraging people to leave charitable gifts in their will. She is this week’s Changemaker.

Guide Dogs Most Trusted Charity

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 22nd July 2014 -  For the second year running, Guide Dogs has been voted Australia’s Most Trusted Charity in the annual Australian Reader’s Digest Magazine’s Most Trusted Brand…

Top 10 Gifts Vote Hots Up

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 24th October 2013 -  The People’s Choice voting for Australia’s top 10 philanthropic gifts has had more than 6000 votes cast – with just four days left to vote. The Top 50 Philanthropic…

Top 50 Gifts Voting Takes Off

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 17th October 2013 -  The People’s Choice voting for Australia’s top philanthropic gifts has taken off with more than 400 people adding their vote in just four days. The Top 50 Philanthropic…

NFPs urge to ‘Rethink Sugary Drink’

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 2nd October 2013 -  Leading Australian health Not for Profits will hold a gathering of experts and community organisations in Melbourne to discuss Australia’s increasing sugary drink consumption.…

Stressful Jobs Aren’t Necessarily Killing Us

Staff Reporter, Monday, 12th August 2013 -  An update to a report on psychological risk factors of coronary heart disease has busted the myth that work stress increased the onset of heart attacks. In the update to the Heart Foundation’s…

Australian Charities Join Global Giving Campaign

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 16th February 2012 -  The Everyone Gives campaign is an 8-day global giving campaign that will benefit charities around the world Five Australian charities have joined an 8-day global giving campaign…

Heart Foundation Welcomes Studies on Depression, Aboriginal Cultural Issues

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 5th January 2012 -  Depression, social isolation and lack of support can lead to greater vulnerability to heart problems according to new research released by an international research team led by…
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