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Tag : HomeGround

NFP Real Estate Agency to Drive Sydney’s Affordable Housing Supply

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 11th April 2018 -  A new not-for-profit real estate agency has been launched to drive investment in and supply of affordable housing in the “most difficult housing market in Australia”. HomeGround

Homelessness Orgs Merge

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 16th July 2015 -  Two of Melbourne’s largest housing and homelessness Not for Profit services, HomeGround Services and Hanover, have merged to form Launch Housing. The merged NFPs say Launch…

Unaffordable Housing Drives Homelessness: Senate Enquiry

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 9th September 2014 -  Homelessness is on the rise due to a severe shortage of affordable housing, according to a Melbourne housing and homelessness agency. HomeGround Services Chief Executive Officer…

Rising Homelessness Needs Urgent Funding

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 15th July 2014 -  The Victorian Government should urgently reinstate mental health funding to housing and homelessness agencies in Melbourne, according to homelessness services Not for Profit…

Affordable Housing Under Scrutiny

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 12th December 2013 -  An inquiry into Australia’s Affordable Housing has been established under the Senate Economics References Committee in Canberra. Labor Senator Jan McLucas succeeded in…

Housing Trial Proves Benefits of Early Intervention

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 10th September 2013 -  Significant housing outcomes have been achieved according to an assessment of a Melbourne-based service delivery trial between State and Federal Government departments and HomeGround…

Homeless Service Improves Health – Report

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 13th August 2013 -  A Melbourne service supporting chronically homeless people into permanent housing has significantly improved serious health problems faced by many of the participants, according…

Health Workers Conduct Register of Homeless

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 31st July 2013 -  Teams of housing and health workers have been on the streets of Melbourne this week to compile a register of the health status of individuals who are sleeping rough. The national Registry…
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