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Tag : HRLC

Threats to right to protest signal continuation of war on charities

Danielle Kutchel, Wednesday, 6th July 2022 -  Advocates have issued a call to action for charities to protect the right to protest before it’s too late. The right to protest is under threat again in multiple states. Tasmania is

Putting democracy back in the hands of the people

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 19th May 2021 -  “Government decisions are not being made in the interests of the community and the planet, but for vested interests, such as the fossil fuel industry”  Community groups have united

Social sector slams decision to extend ‘dehumanising’ cashless welfare card

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 10th December 2020 -  “The Morrison government has failed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people once again,” one community leader says.  Community groups are dismayed by the Senate’s decision

Senate remains divided on medevac laws

Luke Michael, Monday, 21st October 2019 -  Community groups are urging Parliament to save medevac legislation from the scrapheap The future of asylum seeker medical evacuation laws hang in the balance, with a Senate committee

Community groups urge Parliament to support Medevac laws

Luke Michael, Monday, 26th August 2019 -  Dismantling medical evacuation laws for asylum seekers and refugees may lead to more people dying needlessly on Manus Island and Nauru, a Senate inquiry has heard.  Community groups

Welfare automation prioritises ‘efficiency over human rights’

Luke Michael, Monday, 17th June 2019 -  The automation of welfare services in Australia risks pushing vulnerable families deeper into poverty, the United Nations has heard.   The Human Rights Law Centre (HRLC) made a

Religious Freedom Review Reignites Discrimination Exemptions Debate

Luke Michael, Friday, 18th May 2018 -  The Religious Freedom Review’s completion has prompted calls to remove religious exemptions from discrimination laws, but the Salvation Army has warned exemptions are necessary

Calls to Remove ‘Blanket Religious Exemptions’ for Faith-Based Charities

Luke Michael, Friday, 16th February 2018 -  Two prominent legal charities have urged a Religious Freedom Review panel to support the LGBTI community, by narrowing “the blanket religious exemptions which allow religious

Advocacy Under Threat as NFPs Engage in Self-Silencing

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 12th December 2017 -  Australian charities are self-silencing for fear of risking their financial security or attracting political retribution, according to a new report. Civil Voices, an initiative

Tamil Asylum Seeker Claims Go to High Court

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 21st August 2014 -  Asylum seeker lawyers have won the right to proceed to a full bench hearing of the High Court to challenge to the Federal Government's powers to detain and turn back asylum seekers…
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