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Tag : Information

Five Ways to Sharpen Your Storytelling

Nicole Richards, Thursday, 12th July 2018 -  Storytelling is more critical than ever for not for profits. In a world of information overload, the stories that capture and showcase your organisation’s impact in a compelling…

Philanthropy Has a Bright Future: Even in the Era of Justin Bieber.

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 3rd September 2014 -  Not For Profits need to stop trying to be unique and share their data if they want to get their messages across to those outside of the sector, according to an expert on information and…

Pro Bono Australia is Finalist in Internet Awards

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 21st August 2014 -  Pro Bono Australia has been named in the list of finalists who have contributed to the use and development of the Internet in Australia and New Zealand in the 2014 ANZIA Awards. Pro Bono…

Be Proactive to Protect Information: Report

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd September 2013 -  A new Australian analysis underscores the importance of employers taking practical and legal steps to prevent current or former employees from misusing their confidential information.…

NFPs and the Information Revolution

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 16th December 2010 -  Not for Profit organisations across the US report considerable progress in keeping their organisations on the cutting edge of technological change, but many remain disappointed…
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