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Tag : Interim report

NT Juvenile Detention ‘Punitive Not Rehabilitative’ – Royal Commission

Lina Caneva, Saturday, 1st April 2017 -  An interim royal commission report into youth detention in the Northern Territory says the current system is likely to leave its young inmates more damaged than when they entered.…

SVA Recommends Seed Funding for Social Investment Bank

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 27th August 2014 -  Social investment group Social Ventures Australia (SVA) has submitted a response to the Interim Report of the Financial Systems Inquiry (FSI) recommending that a social investment…

Welfare Review Submissions Deadline Looms

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 29th July 2014 -  The deadline for Not for Profits to have their say on the recently released interim report on reforming Australia’s welfare system is set to close in less than two weeks. The…
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