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Tag : Investments

Bearish approach predicted in Australian for purpose investment space

Samantha Freestone, Wednesday, 10th August 2022 -  Australian not for profits are changing investment strategies moving forward, according to survey data released exclusively to Pro Bono News.  The head of endowments and foundations…

Business & Philanthropic Leaders Pledge $1.5 Billion in Impact Investments

Lina Caneva, Thursday, 26th June 2014 -  In the US, 20 private-sector investors have committed more than $1.5 billion in new impact investments, on the heels of a new report on how the government can partner with investors…

Responsible Investment Benchmarking Study

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 23rd July 2009 -  The Responsible Investment Association Australasia (RIAA) is calling on the industry to participate in its annual benchmark study, Responsible Investment 2009, detailing the…

Cuffe Fund Comes Out 14pc Ahead

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 6th November 2008 -  Successful investment industry veteran and philanthropist Chris Cuffe has announced the first performance results of his Third Link Growth Fund, an Australian-first managed…

Workshop on Family Grantmaking – Discount for Our Readers

Staff Reporter, Monday, 2nd June 2008 -  Swinburne’s Asia-Pacific Centre for Philanthropy and Social Investment is holding a Melbourne workshop in June on effective personal and family grantmaking – offering…

Investment Fund to Assist Not for Profit Sector

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 30th April 2008 -  Investment manager and philanthropist Chris Cuffe has launched a pioneering initiative called the Third Link Growth Fund – an Australian-first managed investment scheme…

Handbook on Responsible Investment

Staff Reporter, Monday, 3rd December 2007 -  A new handbook has been developed in the US on responsible investing for Foundation asset managers interested in multiplying their organisation’s impact on society. Responsible…

Handbook on Responsible Investment

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th November 2007 -  A new handbook has been developed in the US on responsible investing for Foundation asset managers interested in multiplying their organisation’s impact on society. Responsible…

Launch of Share Gift Australia

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 29th November 2007 -  ShareGift Australia, a Not for Profit organisation set up to provide shareholders with a simple way to sell and donate small parcels of shares to charities, has been launched in Melbourne.…

SRI – AMP’s ‘Constructive Engagement’

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 6th February 2002 -  Recent research that puts Australia’s Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) market at over $10.5 billion has been described as a conservative ‘starting point’ by one organisation.…
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