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Tag : Jan Owen

Full-Time Work No Longer A Reality for Young Australians

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 14th June 2018 -  Australia has broken its promise to the next generation, according to a new report which found securing full-time work by the age of 25 is no longer a reality for half of young Australians.

Young Changemakers Reach for the Stars

Wendy Williams, Friday, 20th October 2017 -  A NASA astronaut has been giving advice to the next generation of ​Australian changemakers at a celebration recognising ​young​ trailblazers ​who​ ​are​ ​leading​ ​and​ ​creating​

Budget Not Preparing Young Australians for Work

Wendy Williams, Friday, 12th May 2017 -  The federal budget contained “glaring omissions” for building young Australians’ capabilities to thrive in an increasingly complex world of work, according to the Foundation

Opportunity for Australia’s Young Social Pioneers

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 26th April 2017 -  Australia’s largest youth incubator program is calling on emerging social innovators, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and changemakers, looking to make a social impact. Young

Young People Need a New Work Mindset

Wendy Williams, Friday, 25th November 2016 -  A “liberating” new report hopes to transform the work mindset and shift focus from jobs to skills in a bid to prepare young people for the future of work.   The New Work Mindset from the

Vic Innovation Accelerator Gives Startups a $6.5M Boost

Wendy Williams, Wednesday, 7th September 2016 -  Social enterprises and startups in Victoria have received a $6.5 million boost as part of a vision to make the state the number one destination for startups and entrepreneurs in Australia.

Young Australians Face Worse Challenges Than Their Parents Says Report

Wendy Williams, Thursday, 16th June 2016 -  Today’s young Australians could become the first generation to be worse off than their parents, according to a new report card from the Foundation for Young Australians (FYA). The

Searching for Young Social Pioneers

Wendy Williams, Monday, 23rd May 2016 -    The Foundation for Young Australians (FYA) has put out a call for the nation’s emerging social innovators, entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and changemakers to help build their

Demand for Enterprise Skills on the Rise

Lina Caneva, Wednesday, 20th April 2016 -  New analysis of 4.2 million job advertisements has shown that more Australian employers are demanding enterprising skills among young employees as the most critical skills for…

NFP Survey Warning – Canary in the Coal Mine for Government

Lina Caneva, Monday, 8th September 2014 -  Not for Profit leaders have called on the Federal Government to heed the findings of a national survey into the attitudes of Australian charities towards Tony Abbott’s first…

Recipe for Future Leadership in New Book

Lina Caneva, Tuesday, 19th August 2014 -  Getting involved in community organisations or artistic pursuits at an early age grows leadership skills, Not for Profit leader and Foundation for Young Australians CEO Dr Jan Owen…

Young Social Entrepreneurs Win $20K for Ventures

Staff Reporter, Wednesday, 18th June 2014 -  A sustainable garden for a social enterprise cafe, an ethically-produced fashion online store and a dance troupe for people with disabilities have each won $20,000 for their social…
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