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Tag : Jobseekers

Anglicare says Australia’s welfare system must be urgently fixed

Luke Michael, Thursday, 25th November 2021 -  “We need to overhaul the system. People are forced to run a gauntlet of interviews, reporting, and administration that isn’t leading to work”  Only one in 10 welfare recipients believe

Social reinvestment, Woolies alcohol megastore, and working to make ends meet

Contributor, Wednesday, 16th December 2020 -  All the latest news from the Councils of Social Service of Australia.


The federal government’s latest cut to the coronavirus supplement, which last week passed the Parliament,

Short-term gain, long-term pain for young people

Tiana Sixsmith, Thursday, 8th October 2020 -  In a special budget edition of our Youth Matters column, Tiana Sixsmith unpacks what the federal budget means for young people. As we sit in the depths of a recession and a pandemic that

How online volunteering can help jobseekers upskill

Luke Michael, Monday, 7th September 2020 -  We take a look at the benefits of virtual volunteering for jobseekers stuck at home during COVID-19    The coronavirus pandemic has put thousands of Australians out of work and forced

Providers slam government’s NDIS workforce strategy

Luke Michael, Wednesday, 27th March 2019 -  Australia’s peak disability services body is deeply disappointed with the federal government’s plan to grow the National Disability Insurance Scheme workforce, arguing much

Welfare advocates attack move to digitise employment services

Luke Michael, Thursday, 21st March 2019 -  Anti-poverty groups fear the government’s plan to digitise employment services will result in millions of penalties being automatically imposed on vulnerable jobseekers.     

Mental Health of Jobseekers Suffers Under Government Program

Luke Michael, Friday, 2nd November 2018 -  The federal government’s outsourced jobseeker program is a “special kind of hell” for welfare recipients with mental health issues, a Senate inquiry has heard. Jobactive has imposed

Disadvantaged Jobseekers Facing Lack of Entry-Level Jobs

Luke Michael, Thursday, 18th October 2018 -  Entry-level jobs for disadvantaged jobseekers are drying up, according to new analysis which reveals more than four people are competing for each low-skilled job in Australia.    

Welfare Changes Causing Anxiety for Jobseekers

Luke Michael, Monday, 1st October 2018 -  Misinformation and confusion about changes to participation requirements for welfare recipients is causing anxiety and concern for jobseekers. The federal government recently

Tackling the Magnification of Recruitment Risk in the NFP Sector

Staff Reporter, Tuesday, 7th March 2017 -  Not for profits of all sizes can use the global online candidate referencing system Xref to protect themselves against fraud and breaches in discrimination and privacy while saving

NFP Commits to New Opportunities for Indigenous Workforce

Wendy Williams, Friday, 9th December 2016 -  The nation’s largest Catholic not-for-profit health and aged care provider has committed to increasing its Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander workforce to 500 by 2020, in a bid

Transport A Key Barrier for Young Unemployed

Wendy Williams, Tuesday, 22nd November 2016 -  Young unemployed Australians are facing serious transport challenges in the hunt for work, according to a new report from the Brotherhood of St Laurence. The latest figures from
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