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Tag : Karyn Walsh

Navigating sector challenges and the disruption of the pandemic

Contributor, Thursday, 13th August 2020 -  Micah Projects CEO Karyn Walsh shares some thoughts on how COVID-19 has impacted the not-for-profit sector, and what the sector’s leaders need to be thinking about. When talking

QLD Homelessness Program Saves Healthcare Millions

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 22nd May 2014 -  An analysis of an innovative homelessness program in Queensland, which integrates nursing services into its homeless outreach teams, has shown multi-million dollar savings to…

NFP Crisis Response in QLD ‘Unrivalled’

Staff Reporter, Thursday, 20th January 2011 -  Queensland is seeing a crisis response unrivalled in Australian history, with community service organisations leading the way, according to the state’s peak welfare organisation.…
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